BJTU Participated in the First China-Russia Transportation Universities’ Forum

Vice President CHEN Feng Made a Speech on “The Development of High-Speed Railway in China with BJTU”


The first China-Russia Transportation Universities’ Forum on “mutual development” has been successfully held in Saint Petersburg National Transportation University in Russia from 20 to 21 May, 2014. Vice President CHEN Feng, Vice President of BJTU attended the forum. Representatives from 18 higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Transportation of Russian Federation, 6 Chinese higher educational institutions of traffic and transportation and Russian enterprises of railway transport participated in the forum.


LI Xikui (2nd to the left) and CHEN Feng (1st to the right) gave Sokolov (2nd to the right) high-speed train model as a present

Secretary General of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries LI Xikui and Minister of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Sokolovhave made speeches respectively.


Vice President CHEN Feng Made a Speech

Vice President CHEN Feng made a speech on “The Development of High-Speed Railway in China with Beijing Jiaotong University”, which aroused a broad interest among the representatives.

Vice President CHEN Feng Made aVice President CHEN Feng and President of Saint Petersburg National Transportation University Penny Chev exchanged MoU.

During the meeting, principals of all higher educational institutions have signed the MoU and passed the agreement of “Charter on Association of Presidents of Transportation Universities in China and Russia Confederation”.

Built in 1809, Saint Petersburg National Transportation University is the first transportation university in Russia, as well as one of the most ancient colleges in Europe. At present, the number of students exceeds 14,000 and the number of faculty and staff reaches about 1,000. The University has 29 engineering majors (5-5.5 year), 14 undergraduate programs, 7 master programs, 48 doctoral degree programs and 9 post-doctoral research sites.