Prof. Ali Haghani from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Maryland University Appointed as Overseas Chair Professor

On November 11, 2014, Vice President CHEN Feng, Ms. NIE Lei, Dean of the School of Traffic and Transportation and Mr. YAN Xuedong, Vice Dean of the School of Traffic and Transportation attended the signing ceremony of Prof. Ali Haghani from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Maryland University, U.S. who was appointed to act as the overseas chair professor (Category A) of BJTU “Overseas Scholar Short-term Recruitment Program”.

Prof. Ali Haghani is a distinguished scholar in the field of international traffic and transportation who has rich research experience in Circulation Analysis, Mathematic Modeling, Traffic Management, Operational Research and Disaster Emergency. He currently serves as Director of the Center for Integrated Transportation Systems Management (CITSM), member of TRB Public Transport Emergency Evacuation Influence Policy Research Group and member of the Executive Committee of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Also, he is Deputy Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, President of TRB Traffic Network Modeling Committee and editorial board member of many international journals on traffic and transportation who has published over 200 academic articles.